I’m a big believer in the “power of the universe”. Isn’t that an interesting way to start a blog post? Well, here’s the history.

Last November (2007), I promised myself that I would attend a World Internet Summit in 2008. At that point in time I figured it would be somewhere in the US and I would have to find the money for travel and accomodation in the US and for the tickets!

Last Thursday, I opened my email and there was an invite to the World Internet Summit in Sydney, Australia! Talk about the “universe will provide”. I find that this is often the case, I “put it out there” for something that I want or want to do, and whammo, I’m presented with an opportunity.

I couldn’t sign up fast enough, I even got a ticket for my husband to come along, so he can see what’s going on.

As part of my registration for the World Internet Summit, I also signed up to receive solid, information packed videos that promised to answer some of my biggest questions about making money online.

I have just received Video 1 and completed it and I’m very happy. This video explains how to launch a product within a short time frame and make up to $40,000 per annum from this one product. It is easy to watch, easy to listen to and brings together a number of principles that I’ve already read about.

I’m going to spend 4 days with 12 of the best Internet Marketers in the World, including Ewen Chia, who will share their techniques to launch a new profitable business and use those same techniques on an existing business. 4 information packed days!

There is also a great bonus for the attendees – I was fairly bowled over.

When I signed up for my tickets, there was no discount price available. The very next day, I received an email showing how you can get a discounted price. I mean a significant discount!

Will I see you at the World Internet Summit in Sydney, Australia in March 2008? If you’re going, I would love to catch up, post a comment to this post and I’ll reply.

To find out how you can get your tickets, and then get a discount, go to World Internet Summit, register to get the videos (you won’t be sorry) and then have a look at the resulting page.

See you in Sydney.

About the Author Charly Leetham

Charly Leetham has worked for over 20 years in the IT industry, specifically in the area of data communications and local area networking. Charly is a qualifed "tech", holding an Associate Diploma in Electronics Engineering. Her experience with Personal Computers ranges from building computers to providing 2nd level user support. Charly also holds a Masters of Business Admin (MBA), specialising in Internet Marketing. Visit her site at ArvoreenTreasures.com

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