The other day I was doing my normal checking of my blog today. I like to play and make sure that my readers are seeing what I see. I use RSS Popper as my RSS feed for Outlook 2003 and I noticed that my last couple of posts weren’t being published.

I use Feedburner to manage my RSS subscriptions, incredibly powerful and very easy. However, today when I went to look at my feed, Feedburner SPAT an error at me:

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Line Number 7, Column 122: xmlns:creativeCommons=”” xmlns:media=””xmlns:itunes=””

Column 122 is between “” and xmlns:itunes.

Even the validator came back with the same error and wouldn’t let me go further.

I worked out that the fault occured about the same time I installed PodPress. I checked with the Web 2.0 Wealth Forum and couldn’t find anything there. Alex Syseof confirmed that he hadn’t had the problem.

Today, after spending many hours rebuilding my WordPress 2.3.3. blog, I decided to load a copy onto another domain I had to test. I installed 1 plug-in at a time and checked the feed at Feedburner. I use a lot of plug-ins and it took a long time…..

The offending culprit happened to be the REVVER WordPress Plug-In (currently 1.0). I disabled it, used the embed code from my Revver dashboard to display my videos and – Voila! I now have an operational blog, a RSS Feed through FeedBurner (The Keys To Internet Marketing RSS Feed), a Video blog through Revver and a PODCAST (The Keys To Internet Marketing Podcast).

Please subscribe to my RSS Feed and my PodCast – I have big plans for the next couple of months!

About the Author Charly Leetham

Charly Leetham has worked for over 20 years in the IT industry, specifically in the area of data communications and local area networking. Charly is a qualifed "tech", holding an Associate Diploma in Electronics Engineering. Her experience with Personal Computers ranges from building computers to providing 2nd level user support. Charly also holds a Masters of Business Admin (MBA), specialising in Internet Marketing. Visit her site at

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