I have just finished reading The Death of Google AdWords and would encourage you to do so as well.

When I first heard about Simon Leung’s The Death of Google AdWords, I was very sceptical.  Another report that predicts Googles demise and goes on to rant about how bad Google is.

Personally, I’ve seen any number of these reports in the past year and spent money on them in an attempt to better under what Google is doing with AdWords and how I might use the program more effectively.  I have been underwhelmed with their content.

I decided to take a look a the report anyway.

The first thing I noted is that the report is written by the former most senior AdWords Optimization Specialist from Google headquarters.  So, I assume he knows what he’s talking about.  The content of the report is logical and certainly indicates that he does.

The title does make sense, as it discusses the decisions that Google is making now that is impacting its business.  It references the “Google Slap” and the issues that Google considered in changing the business model.

It’s not overly “hypey” either, which I like.  It addresses the issues without ranting and provides some commentary on the how and why.

Having only dabbled with Adwords, I could still see what Simon is predicting and understand why it could be considered that AdWords is dead.

I enjoyed the report and need to read it several times to get the full impact but I would recommend it to others as another tool to understand the AdWords system a little better.

Grab a copy of the report here:


About the Author Charly Leetham

Charly Leetham has worked for over 20 years in the IT industry, specifically in the area of data communications and local area networking. Charly is a qualifed "tech", holding an Associate Diploma in Electronics Engineering. Her experience with Personal Computers ranges from building computers to providing 2nd level user support. Charly also holds a Masters of Business Admin (MBA), specialising in Internet Marketing. Visit her site at ArvoreenTreasures.com

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